Our reality exists in a universe filled with space, where we are collectively perceived, it is organic and living.
Hyper reality exists in a universe created online, where we are collectively imagined, it is synthetic and artificial.
A hyper reality is collectively imagined and created online, it is built together with a singular output.
This world is synthetic, made by its designer or architect via code and binary language, it is polished with a plastic feel which lacks human emotion.
It is a designed world existing within servers , accessed and interacted with via computers, absorbed and understood via a screen.
The inhabitants of this world exist online via facades, filters or avatars that connect via social media to present a hyper real version of themselves, albeit human-like or fantasy.
Cornelia Van Rijswijk is A Dutch / Welsh Artist & Designer based in Queensland, Australia. She studied Graphic & Media Design at University of the Arts London, United Kingdom. With a background in Graphic Design, her practice has primarily moved into the realm of fine art, using mostly digital mediums in her process and ending with the creation of physical prints. Her work explores the world of online technology, digital landscapes and hyper realities. She imagines what these abstract concepts might look like and how they are best expressed. With the use of vibrant and saturated colour palettes, she pushes and pulls pixels into chaotic repetitive entanglements to conjure synthetic worlds.
OPENING NIGHT 6-9 pm Friday July 16th